Annotated Transcript
This transcript offers an insight into the ten courses I completed to receive my Master of Arts in Education through Michigan State University. My concentration was special education and I also received a graduate certificate in educational psychology. I took classes in Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education (CEP), Education (ED), and Teacher Education (TE).
CEP 840: Policies, Practices, and Perspectives in Special Education
Summer 2022
Courtney Maher
CEP 841: Classroom and Behavior Management in the Inclusive Classroom
Summer 2022
Troy Mariage
CEP 802: Developing Positive Attitudes Toward Learning
Fall 2022
David Wong
CEP 801: Psychological Development: Learner Differences and Commonalities
Spring 2023
David Wong
CEP 800: Psychology of Learning in School and Other Settings
Summer 2023
Ronald Houtman and Kyle Shack
CEP 842: Content Area Instruction for Students with Mild Disabilities
Summer 2023
Erin Hamilton
ED 800: Educational Inquiry
Fall 2023
Kristy Stein
TE 846: Accommodating Differences in Literacy Learners
Fall 2023
Raven Jones
CEP 850: Technology and Literacy for Students with Mild Disabilities
Spring 2024
Allison Cascarilla
ED 870: Capstone
Spring 2024
Matthew Koehler and Megan Harris
This was my first course in the program. I was introduced to the legal side of special education, the critical responsibilities of teachers, and the importance of research-based practices in special education. I gained a greater understanding in the mechanics of an IEP by collaborating with others to write and revise IEPs. To accumulate everything I learned throughout this course, I created a resource binder that highlighted what I learned about educating students with disabilities.
In this course, I learned about the behavioral, social, and academic characteristics of children with special needs. I was provided with research-based techniques and strategies to improve behavior and classroom management for all students, including individual interventions. The text provided for this course was Authentic Classroom Management and Teaching Behavior: Managing Classrooms Through Effective Instruction. For my final project, I created a comprehensive presentation on classroom management.
This was the first course I took that was required for my Graduate Certificate in Educational Psychology. In this course, I learned about the many behavioral differences, individual differences, and the cognitive perspectives that affect student motivation to learn. The provided text for this course was Motivating Students to Learn. The culmination of this course was an individualized motivational intervention plan for one of the students in my class at the time.
This was the second course I took that was required for my Graduate Certificate in Educational Psychology. This course was designed to study the development of differences and commonalities in all learners throughout the lifespan. There was a concentration on the foundations of child development, biological development, cognitive development which included Piaget and Vygotsky, and social and emotional development. The provided text for this course was Child Development and Education. My final project for this course was an essay reflecting on the significant developmental learning factors in a classroom.
This was the third course I took that was required for my Graduate Certificate in Educational Psychology. In this course, I learned about the psychological perspectives of how learning occurs in schools and other settings. There was a focus on behaviorism, multiple types of cognitivism, and socio-cultural perspectives. The final project for this course was to reflect on everything that was learned and create my own theory of learning.
This course provided me with many research-based strategies to best help students with disabilities meet the challenges of content area instruction. I learned that assessments and progress monitoring are most effective when they guide instruction, while also providing accommodations and modifications to meet the needs of all students. This course also provided a focus on Universal Design, the content area framework, explicit instruction, and multiple ways of teaching vocabulary. The culmination of this course was to design a content area unit plan and my focus was math.
In this course, I analyzed five methodological approaches that all fell under qualitative research. Within each approach was a topic studied that related to education. To analyze these forms of research and topics I read five books and wrote five reflective essays. The research and topics were ethnography and social reproduction (Ain’t No Makin’ It), portraiture and schools as socializing institutions (Troublemakers), history and educational activism (In Pursuit of Knowledge), indigenous research methodologies and culturally sustaining pedagogy (Protecting the Promise), and philosophy and critical pedagogy (Pedagogy of Resistance). The culmination of this course was a presentation where I analyzed my learning and connected all five research methodologies.
This course focused on utilizing the best literacy instructional practices to accommodate the differences among learners. To put these learned practices to use I created a Literacy Learner project. This project allowed me to evaluate current literacy materials at my school, analyze literacy assessments and their validity, create, and modify individualized reading lessons. There was also a focus on improving reading motivation amongst all children. The text for this course and what influenced many of the ideas was Best Practices in Literacy Instruction.
The focus of this course was to learn about assistive technology and its consideration in the IEP process. This course provided information about assistive technology laws and requirements, to increase my understanding of assistive technology. I completed assistive technology explorations where I researched specific assistive technology devices that could be used in my classroom. The culmination of this course was an assistive technology project where I went through all the appropriate measures to implement assistive technology in my classroom.
This was my last course in the Master of Arts in Education Program. This course provided me the opportunity to reflect on my experience as a graduate student. I was able to create this portfolio that illustrated my goals, learning and my hopes for my future learning. The portfolio I created will allow me to share all my work and is what you are currently viewing now.