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Showcase of Graduate Work

Welcome to my Master of Arts in Education Showcase page! On this page you will find a handful of my creations that I worked on while studying at Michigan State University.  In the Teacher Resources section, you will find information that is related to working with students with disabilities and classroom management.  The How We Learn section is where you can find information relating to the process we go through to learn new things in school and outside of school. In my last section, Hands On you will find lesson plans and motivational plans I implemented with my students.

Teacher Resources

Supporting the Learning

In this artifact, I demonstrate my ability to develop and share accommodations and modifications when educating students with disabilities. In my resource binder, you will find information and tips on how to help students with learning disabilities, ADHD, visual impairments, hearing impairments, emotional disturbance, intellectual disabilities, and autism spectrum disorder . I also share key elements in writing an IEP and I break apart the 3 tiers of response to intervention. 

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In this artifact, I demonstrate my knowledge on the effective tools of classroom management. Within the presentation, I define classroom management and take a deep dive into ten tips that all teachers must consider when reflecting on classroom management. This is my personal favorite artifact because I believe that classroom management is the root of all success within a classroom and should be discussed more among all educators.

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In this artifact, I demonstrate my knowledge on implementing and utilizing PBIS (positive  behavior interventions and support) within schools.  PBIS stands for positive behavioral intervention and support. In my presentation, I elaborate on the three-tiered system of support that makes up PBIS. I also give tips and guidance on why schools would benefit from using PBIS and tips on implementation.

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Classroom Management
How We Learn

Understanding the Learning

In this artifact, I demonstrate my knowledge on what goes into the process of learning by  analyzing theories from Piaget and Vygotsky to answer the question, how do people learn?  In my theory of learning report, I place a big emphasis on prior knowledge and how it acts as building blocks to learning. I also connect that to the concept of what it means to truly develop understanding and the ability to transfer knowledge across content and experiences.

Image from WIX. 

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In this artifact, I demonstrate my knowledge on the psychology of learning. My goal in creating this poster was to have an artifact that could be shared with colleagues or families of my students. The poster is a quick snapshot of schemas, assimilation, and accommodation and how they all contribute to learning. 

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This artifact demonstrates my understanding of three significant factors that have an impact on learning in the classroom. First, I discuss Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and the effects of equilibration and disequilibrium. In the second part, I talk about subtractive bilingualism and the importance of letting students speak and utilize their native language. Lastly, I touch on the benefits of enhancing a child’s sense of self and the importance of placing value on progress versus mastery.

Image from WIX. 

Hands On

Individualizing the Learning

In this artifact, I demonstrate my ability to create individualized literacy lessons to support a struggling third-grade reader. I use-evidence based strategies to meet the students at their current academic level. I planned and taught numerous lessons while reflecting and modifying to meet my student’s literacy needs.

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Image from WIX. 

In this artifact, I demonstrate my ability to develop an individualized motivational intervention plan. I utilized the TARGET framework (task, authority, recognition, grouping, evaluation, and time) to create a plan that would help increase a student's motivation in math.  I created a motivation case where I analyzed the learner's motivational issues.  I also created a motivational assessment that examined the student's goals and expected behavior while studying different approaches to help create the motivational intervention plan.

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Motivational Intervention Plan
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